1.The principles of education in Buddhism The principles of education in Buddhism is called “Threefold learning or The Threefold Studies” Kinds of the threefold learning: 1.Morality or training in higher morality (Sila) 2.Concentration or training in higher mentality (Samadhi) 3.Wisdom or training in higher wisdom (Panna) Morality is to have a life condition and living together in the society in a good arrangement or order. And the principles of a good arrangement of a condition and living together in the society are called Sila or morality. Kinds of morality 1.Five precepts 2.Eight precepts 3.Ten precepts 4.Two hundred and twenty-seven precepts for monks 5.Three hundred and eleven precepts for female monks 1.1.Morality or virtue training in higher moralitySila (Pali) in Buddhism is one of three sections of the Noble Eightfold Path, and is a code of conduct that embraces a commitment to harmony and self-restraint with the principle motivation being non-v...